Following the public hearing held Monday, November 25th, 2019, Esquimalt Council approved Lexi Development Group’s request to amend the Official Community Plan’s land use designation and zoning bylaw for the properties located on the south east corner of Head Street and Esquimalt Road.
The subject development is a consolidation of two lots, formerly 899 Esquimalt Road to the North and 896 Wollaston Street to the south. The previous land use designation was Neighbourhood Commercial Mixed Use, allowing up to 6 stories on the northern property, and Townhouse Residential (allowing up to 3 stories on the southern property). Council’s approval changed the land use designation to Commercial Commercial, allowing up to 12 stories on the consolidated lots.
The development will consist of 9 storeys off Esquimalt Road, rising to 12 adjacent to Head Street due to the steep natural slope. It will be primarily a concrete building. There will be 66 market priced units including 3 townhouse units fronting Wollaston. Two commercial units are also planned.
Council’s 2019 approval directed staff to place a covenant on the land title of the property, requiring in part, an operational medical clinic be constructed before the units are subdivided and/or titles are transferred to the new owners of the residential units. The following is a summary of the covenant requirements:
Lexi is to construct a 4000 square foot purpose built medical centre, dedicated to a health care clinic, which is defined as a clinic staffed by a minimum of 4 family physicians who are registered with and licenced by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC.
Tenants for the medical clinic must be secured, at a specific subsidized rental rate, for 10 years or Lexi will be required to pay a $160,000 security to the Township in order to proceed with subdividing/transferring of titles.
As the FAR (floor area in relation to size of lot) will be above 1.5 a cash contribution of $54,000 to the Township will be required.
Kayak Docks Fund – a cash contribution to the Township of $150,000 is required.
Built Green Canada Silver Certification
Based on a telephone conversations with Lexi representative Babak Nikbakhtan on July 19th 2021, the following is an update on Lexi’s progress:
Marketing has begun, sales are expected in 3rd or 4th week of August.
Lexi has a staffed presentation suite at 665 Fort Street. The telephone number is 250 589 1568.
Mr. Nikbakhtan does not wish to disclose prices or price ranges at this time as they will be dependent on financing requirements.
The building permit will be applied for in early August.
Mr. Nikbakhtan expects construction to begin by the end of 2021. Once construction begins, it is expected to take between 24 and 26 months to build. There may be an “additional 2-4 months required for excavations, shoring and underpinnings”.
He confirmed that all of the conditions of the covenant remain in place and must be met.
Mr. Nikbakhtan noted that Lexi had previously provided a proposal to the Province/Island Health for the new Esquimalt Urgent and Primary Care Centre but the proposal was not accepted. He confirmed that Lexi is still required and committed to ensuring the requirements of the covenant are put in place. He emphasized that 4000 sq. feet remains dedicated for 10 years as a medical clinic, as defined by the covenant, and Lexi will be working hard to have it filled as such.
Township planning staff confirmed in early August that Lexi had not as yet applied for a development permit. Once the development permit is in place and construction underway, planning staff will be working with the proponent to ensure covenant requirements are met.